This is the last picture I took before getting into the car for the airport. I'm not sure why I was smiling. I was actually quite sad.
Guess I can fake it when I have to. Always smile for the pictures!
Travel photos, veterinary medicine, Cambodia, pop culture, life in Los Angeles and other things that make up my brain soup.
I entered into the woods and although there wasn't much animal life to shoot (in the picture sense), I did manage to catch a few photos of the flora.
For example, we have a large tree fungus.
And the Forget-Me-Nots were in full bloom.
These are tent caterpillars. Apparently they are very nasty and not good for the trees. At least, this is what my dad always told me as he soaked them in gasoline and torched them.
I have never forgotten my childhood image of burning caterpillars falling from the trees. Squirming and wriggling and burnt. Just not a very good way to die.
It's like a real life "The Lovely Bones." It's not a book that I heartily recommend unless you like reading about a child being murdered. I couldn't even finish it. Apparently it is being made into a movie by Peter Jackson.
Yep, the same guy who did The Lord of the Rings trilogy. But in all fairness, he also did Heavenly Creatures so he does know something about contemporary murder.
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the annual Nutts for Mutts in Woodland Hills.
This is a dog show that celebrates THE MUTT. New Leash on Life, an animal rescue organization, is in charge of organizing the event and you can check out their website at
For the first time ever, our clinic had a booth. I arrived at 7:30 in the morning to unpack and because I had stayed up until midnight watching Tomb Raider the night before, I was barely awake. I drove over a curb and nearly ran over a small dog. I'm just not a morning person and I was going to use this defence in court if I had to.She loooooves this dog.
Katie went on to win 3rd place for most beautiful mutt. This was a proud moment for Annie and her very hot dog.
I snapped a picture of a Peruvian hairless dog. I've never seen one before and I had to ask the owner what type of breed he was.
He was kinda cool looking. Shiny and black, like a canine 8 ball.
The kids loved it. Some of them came back several times to hand over a dollar and spin the wheel. I wondered if some of them even had dogs.
Strangely enough, I answered only one veterinary related question. Some guy wanted to know what he could do to keep his dogs out of his garden. Building a fence had apparently never occurred to him.
Overall, I had a good time and all the money we raised (I'm not sure of the final tally) will go towards our rescue organization of choice, MUCH LOVE.
See you next year.